Ziirish's Home
Hello, World! I am Ziirish, a French DevOps involved in the FOSS community since 2008.
I am also a husband and a dad. I have a full-time job and I like to play Ice Hockey when I have some time.
This is my personal site, these views are mine and not my employer's.
The content of this website is mostly technical although sometimes I can write some humor posts. I like to explain what I do or what I did on various topics from system to coding things.
Here is a non-exhaustive list of projects I am currently involved in:
Every article I put on this website is released under the same license as this whole website : Creative Commons BY-SA.
If you like my work and/or my writings, you can:
- Thank me by sending me an email or writing a nice comment
- Buy me a beer or some fries or both!
- Make a donation on Paypal or flattr me

You can follow me on Twitter or you can send me an email: ziirish at ziirish.info